Since 1972, ABPL has been tirelessly campaigning for the British Asian community, with ground breaking publications and events. Along the way, we’ve developed a close relationship with both our readers and advertisers based on trust and service to the community. If you want to reach this dynamic and vibrant group, we can help you.
British Asians are savvy with their money. Our Finance, Banking and Insurance special issue focuses on providing up-to-date information to our readers looking for the best opportunities.
An Englishman’s home may be his castle, but to British Asians it’s also a temple and bricks and mortar are also their favourite investments. We regularly keep our readers informed of the best opportunities.
A one-of-its-kind compendium of global Indian business tycoons. Compiled by industry expert Philip Beresford, it lists net worth of persons of Indian origin whose wealth is equivalent to US$1 billion or more.
Gujaratis aren’t the only Asian success story in the UK. Our Punjabi brethren have also established themselves firmly in today’s society across all levels, and this special issue is focussed on their successes.